Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What Now?

Having left Sri Lanka a little over 2 months ago I have often asked God "what now?” So far the answer to that question has been stay the course and keep the people in the refugee camps in the hearts and minds of others.
Just recently I sat down with my brother and business partner Craig and we came up with an idea to raise some much needed attention and money to this cause. We are currently working with World Concern and our marketing partner Destination Marketing to create a campaign that will raise awareness, dollars and hopefully keep us selling cars. Please pray in regards to this venture. Pray we bring glory to God and help to those in need.
The next big step, God willing, is to take my wife Cari to Sri Lanka the end of October. She often has such great wisdom to offer and for me to see things through her eyes will truly be a blessing. This is something we feel we need to share together which will most likely repeat the question "what next?”
Almost everyday I read the latest news regarding the situation in the camps and correspond with those on the ground and those elsewhere who share a common passion to help. Amongst all the anguish there have been rays of hope as many of the elderly and some of the children have been freed from the camps recently and in some cases entire families have begun the relocation process back to their homes, for those fortunate to still have a home.
Now the feared flooding from the monsoon rains has begun causing unbearable living conditions for the roughly 270,000 still remaining http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/16/world/asia/16lanka.html . I find it hard to imagine the suffering that takes place day in and day out for these people trapped in these camps. Through all this I know God loves his children when I witness the work of people like the staff of World Concern who give of themselves everyday.
Pray, Give and Believe,